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 Write your app here.

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Antall Innlegg : 83
Join date : 06.05.2008

Write your app here. Empty
PosteTema: Write your app here.   Write your app here. Icon_minitimeLør Mai 17, 2008 1:55 am

1. Name on Travian.

2. Where you come from.
(Eks: Norway, USA, England...)

3. Population on Travian.

4. Troops.

5. Why do you want to join KFL=D?

6. Experience on Travian.

If you ask: "Can i join your alliance", then i can make sure you not going to join one KFL alliance.
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Write your app here. Empty
PosteTema: søknad til KFL =D   Write your app here. Icon_minitimeOns Jun 11, 2008 8:57 pm

1. Name on Travian.

2. Where you come from.

3. Population on Travian.

4. Troops.

5. Why do you want to join KFL=D?
Becouse i want a allianse who is on the top 30 list. And i want an allianse....

6. Experience on Travian.
I started at s1 the first time... When it was just 2 servers. I came on the topp 800 and Destroyed 4 players.....(hehe) And i develop fast. Im at 2061 in Off.. Very Happy
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Write your app here. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Write your app here.   Write your app here. Icon_minitimeFre Jun 20, 2008 4:36 pm

1. manni

2. norway

3. 186

4. 0 because a stupid guy kills em:P (but i got jord kjellere so he dont get any stuffs)

5. because my ally suck and i want a ally who are a bit good and only not noobs.

6. had 1 over 8500 pop. b4 end game, i was in a ally in top 13. i think that was all just send me a mail at travian if i can join or not pls.
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Write your app here. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Write your app here.   Write your app here. Icon_minitime

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